Allows the app to read and create online meetings on behalf of the signed-in user.
Administrators can configure application access policy to allow apps to access online meetings on behalf of a user.
Merill's Note
For an app to access data in Microsoft Graph, the user or administrator must grant it the permissions it needs. This article lists all the Microsoft Graph APIs and your tenant data that can be accessed by the application (vendor/developer) if you consent to the
permission.If you need to create an audit report of the permissions granted to all the apps in your tenant, you can run the
command. See How To: Run a quick OAuth app audit of your tenant
Category | Application | Delegated |
Identifier | - | a65f2972-a4f8-4f5e-afd7-69ccb046d5dc |
DisplayText | - | Read and create user's online meetings |
Description | - | Allows the app to read and create online meetings on behalf of the signed-in user. |
AdminConsentRequired | Yes | No |
Graph Methods
→ API supports delegated access (access on behalf of a user)
→ API supports app-only access (access without a user)
Methods | |
→ API supports delegated access (access on behalf of a user)
→ API supports app-only access (access without a user)
Methods | |
→ Command supports delegated access (access on behalf of a user)
→ Command supports app-only access (access without a user)
Commands | |
→ Command supports delegated access (access on behalf of a user)
→ Command supports app-only access (access without a user)
Commands | |
Granting this permission allows the calling application to access (and/or update) the following information in your tenant.
- broadcastMeetingSettings
- callRecording
- callTranscript
- chatInfo
- externalmeetingregistrant
- externalmeetingregistration
- joinMeetingIdSettings
- lobbyBypassSettings
- meetingParticipants
- meetingregistrant
- meetingregistration
- meetingRegistrationQuestion
- onlineMeeting
- onlineMeetingBase
- virtualappointment
- virtualAppointmentSettings
- virtualAppointmentUser
- virtualEventTownhall
- virtualEventWebinar
- watermarkProtectionValues
Graph reference: broadcastMeetingSettings
Property | Type | Description |
allowedAudience | broadcastMeetingAudience | Defines who can join the Teams live event. Possible values are listed in the following table. |
captions | broadcastMeetingCaptionSettings | Caption settings of a Teams live event. |
isRecordingEnabled | Boolean | Indicates whether recording is enabled for this Teams live event. Default value is false . |
isAttendeeReportEnabled | Boolean | Indicates whether attendee report is enabled for this Teams live event. Default value is false . |
isQuestionAndAnswerEnabled | Boolean | Indicates whether Q&A is enabled for this Teams live event. Default value is false . |
isVideoOnDemandEnabled | Boolean | Indicates whether video on demand is enabled for this Teams live event. Default value is false . |
Graph reference: callRecording
Property | Type | Description |
callId | String | The unique identifier for the call that is related to this recording. Read-only. |
content | Stream | The content of the recording. Read-only. |
contentCorrelationId | String | The unique identifier that links the transcript with its corresponding recording. Read-only. |
createdDateTime | DateTimeOffset | Date and time at which the recording was created. The timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z . Read-only. |
endDateTime | DateTimeOffset | Date and time at which the recording ends. The timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z . Read-only. |
id | String | The unique identifier for the recording. Read-only. Inherited from entity. |
meetingId | String | The unique identifier of the onlineMeeting related to this recording. Read-only. |
meetingOrganizer | identitySet | The identity information of the organizer of the onlineMeeting related to this recording. Read-only. |
recordingContentUrl | String | The URL that can be used to access the content of the recording. Read-only. |
Graph reference: callTranscript
Property | Type | Description |
callId | String | The unique identifier for the call that is related to this transcript. Read-only. |
content | Stream | The content of the transcript. Read-only. |
contentCorrelationId | String | The unique identifier that links the transcript with its corresponding recording. Read-only. |
createdDateTime | DateTimeOffset | Date and time at which the transcript was created. The timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z . Read-only. |
endDateTime | DateTimeOffset | Date and time at which the transcription ends. The timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z . Read-only. |
id | String | The unique identifier for the transcript. Read-only. |
meetingId | String | The unique identifier of the online meeting related to this transcript. Read-only. |
meetingOrganizer | identitySet | The identity information of the organizer of the onlineMeeting related to this transcript. Read-only. |
metadataContent | Stream | The time-aligned metadata of the utterances in the transcript. Read-only. |
transcriptContentUrl | String | The URL that can be used to access the content of the transcript. Read-only. |
Graph reference: chatInfo
Property | Type | Description |
messageId | String | The unique identifier of a message in a Microsoft Teams channel. |
replyChainMessageId | String | The ID of the reply message. |
threadId | String | The unique identifier for a thread in Microsoft Teams. |
Graph reference: externalmeetingregistrant
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | The unique identifier of the registrant in the external registration system. Inherited from meetingRegistrantBase. |
joinWebUrl | String | A unique web URL for the registrant to join the meeting. Inherited from meetingRegistrantBase. Read-only. |
tenantId | String | The tenant ID of this registrant if in Microsoft Entra ID. |
userId | String | The user ID of this registrant if in Microsoft Entra ID. |
Graph reference: externalmeetingregistration
Property | Type | Description |
allowedRegistrant | meetingAudience | Specifies who can register for the meeting. Inherited from meetingRegistrationBase. |
Graph reference: joinMeetingIdSettings
Property | Type | Description |
isPasscodeRequired | Boolean | Indicates whether a passcode is required to join a meeting when using joinMeetingId. Optional. |
joinMeetingId | String | The meeting ID to be used to join a meeting. Optional. Read-only. |
passcode | String | The passcode to join a meeting. Optional. Read-only. |
Graph reference: lobbyBypassSettings
Property | Type | Description |
isDialInBypassEnabled | Boolean | Specifies whether or not to always let dial-in callers bypass the lobby. Optional. |
scope | lobbyBypassScope | Specifies the type of participants that are automatically admitted into a meeting, bypassing the lobby. Optional. |
Graph reference: meetingParticipants
Property | Type | Description |
attendees | meetingParticipantInfo collection | Information about the meeting attendees. |
organizer | meetingParticipantInfo | Information about the meeting organizer. |
Graph reference: meetingregistrant
Property | Type | Description |
customQuestionAnswers | customQuestionAnswer collection | The registrant's answer to custom questions. |
String | The email address of the registrant. | |
firstName | String | The first name of the registrant. |
id | String | The unique identifier of the registrant. Read-only. |
joinWebUrl | String | A unique web URL for the registrant to join the meeting. Read-only. |
lastName | String | The family name of the registrant. |
registrationDateTime | String | Time in UTC when the registrant registers for the meeting. Read-only. |
status | meetingRegistrantStatus | The registration status of the registrant. Read-only. |
Graph reference: meetingregistration
Property | Type | Description |
allowedRegistrant | meetingAudience | Specifies who can register for the meeting. |
description | String | The description of the meeting. |
endDateTime | DateTime | The meeting end time in UTC. |
registrationPageViewCount | Int32 | The number of times the registration page has been visited. Read-only. |
registrationPageWebUrl | String | The URL of the registration page. Read-only. |
speakers | meetingSpeaker collection | The meeting speaker's information. |
startDateTime | DateTime | The meeting start time in UTC. |
subject | String | The subject of the meeting. |
Graph reference: meetingRegistrationQuestion
Property | Type | Description |
answerInputType | answerInputType | Answer input type of the custom registration question. |
answerOptions | String collection | Answer options when answerInputType is radioButton . |
displayName | String | Display name of the custom registration question. |
id | String | ID of the custom registration question. Read-only. |
isRequired | Boolean | Indicates whether the question is required. Default value is false . |
Graph reference: onlineMeeting
Property | Type | Description |
allowAttendeeToEnableCamera | Boolean | Indicates whether attendees can turn on their camera. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowAttendeeToEnableMic | Boolean | Indicates whether attendees can turn on their microphone. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowBreakoutRooms | Boolean | Indicates whether breakout rooms are enabled for the meeting. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowedLobbyAdmitters | allowedLobbyAdmitterRoles | Specifies the users who can admit from the lobby. Possible values are: organizerAndCoOrganizersAndPresenters , organizerAndCoOrganizers , unknownFutureValue . Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowedPresenters | onlineMeetingPresenters | Specifies who can be a presenter in a meeting. Possible values are listed in the following table. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowLiveShare | meetingLiveShareOptions | Indicates whether live share is enabled for the meeting. Possible values are: enabled , disabled , unknownFutureValue . Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowMeetingChat | meetingChatMode | Specifies the mode of meeting chat. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowParticipantsToChangeName | Boolean | Specifies if participants are allowed to rename themselves in an instance of the meeting. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowPowerPointSharing | Boolean | Indicates whether PowerPoint live is enabled for the meeting. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowTeamworkReactions | Boolean | Indicates whether Teams reactions are enabled for the meeting. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowRecording | Boolean | Indicates whether recording is enabled for the meeting. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowTeamworkReactions | Boolean | Indicates whether Teams reactions are enabled for the meeting. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowTranscription | Boolean | Indicates whether transcription is enabled for the meeting. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowWhiteboard | Boolean | Indicates whether whiteboard is enabled for the meeting. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
audioConferencing | audioConferencing | The phone access (dial-in) information for an online meeting. Read-only. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
chatInfo | chatInfo | The chat information associated with this online meeting. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
chatRestrictions | chatrestrictions | Specifies the configuration settings for meeting chat restrictions. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
creationDateTime | DateTime | The meeting creation time in UTC. Read-only. |
endDateTime | DateTime | The meeting end time in UTC. Required when you create an online meeting. |
joinWebUrl | String | The join URL of the online meeting. The format of the URL may change; therefore, users shouldn't rely on any information extracted from parsing the URL. Read-only. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
participants | meetingParticipants | The participants associated with the online meeting, including the organizer and the attendees. |
subject | String | The subject of the online meeting. Required when you create an online meeting. |
id | String | The default ID associated with the online meeting. Read-only. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
isEntryExitAnnounced | Boolean | Indicates whether to announce when callers join or leave. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
joinInformation | itemBody | The join information in the language and locale variant specified in the Accept-Language request HTTP header. Read-only. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
joinMeetingIdSettings | joinMeetingIdSettings | Specifies the joinMeetingId, the meeting passcode, and the requirement for the passcode. Once an onlineMeeting is created, the joinMeetingIdSettings can't be modified. To make any changes to this property, the meeting needs to be canceled and a new one needs to be created. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
lobbyBypassSettings | lobbyBypassSettings | Specifies which participants can bypass the meeting lobby. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
meetingTemplateId | String | The ID of the meeting template. |
recordAutomatically | Boolean | Indicates whether to record the meeting automatically. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
shareMeetingChatHistoryDefault | meetingChatHistoryDefaultMode | Specifies whether meeting chat history is shared with participants. Possible values are: all , none , unknownFutureValue . Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
startDateTime | DateTime | The meeting start time in UTC. |
videoTeleconferenceId | String | The video teleconferencing ID. Read-only. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
watermarkProtection | watermarkProtectionValues | Specifies whether the client application should apply a watermark a content type. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
attendeeReport (deprecated) | Stream | The content stream of the attendee report of a Microsoft Teams live event. Read-only. |
broadcastSettings (deprecated) | broadcastMeetingSettings | Settings related to a live event. |
isBroadcast (deprecated) | Boolean | Indicates whether this meeting is a Teams live event. |
Graph reference: onlineMeetingBase
Property | Type | Description |
allowAttendeeToEnableCamera | Boolean | Indicates whether attendees can turn on their camera. |
allowAttendeeToEnableMic | Boolean | Indicates whether attendees can turn on their microphone. |
allowBreakoutRooms | Boolean | Indicates whether breakout rooms are enabled for the meeting. |
allowedPresenters | onlineMeetingPresenters | Specifies who can be a presenter in a meeting. |
allowMeetingChat | meetingChatMode | Specifies the mode of the meeting chat. |
allowLiveShare | meetingLiveShareOptions | Indicates whether live share is enabled for the meeting. Possible values are: enabled , disabled , unknownFutureValue . |
allowParticipantsToChangeName | Boolean | Specifies if participants are allowed to rename themselves in an instance of the meeting. |
allowTeamworkReactions | Boolean | Indicates if Teams reactions are enabled for the meeting. |
allowTranscription | Boolean | Indicates whether transcription is enabled for the meeting. |
allowPowerPointSharing | Boolean | Indicates whether PowerPoint live is enabled for the meeting. |
allowRecording | Boolean | Indicates whether recording is enabled for the meeting. |
allowWhiteboard | Boolean | Indicates whether whiteboard is enabled for the meeting. |
allowedLobbyAdmitters | allowedLobbyAdmitterRoles | Specifies the users who can admit from the lobby. Possible values are: organizerAndCoOrganizersAndPresenters , organizerAndCoOrganizers , unknownFutureValue . |
allowedPresenters | onlineMeetingPresenters | Specifies who can be a presenter in a meeting. |
anonymizeIdentityForRoles | onlineMeetingRole collection | Specifies whose identity is anonymized in the meeting. Possible values are: attendee . The attendee value can't be removed through a PATCH operation once added. |
audioConferencing | audioConferencing | The phone access (dial-in) information for an online meeting. Read-only. |
chatInfo | chatInfo | The chat information associated with this online meeting. |
chatRestrictions | chatrestrictions | Specifies the configuration settings for meeting chat restrictions. |
id | String | The default ID associated with the online meeting. Read-only. |
isEntryExitAnnounced | Boolean | Indicates whether to announce when callers join or leave. |
joinInformation | itemBody | The join information in the language and locale variant specified in 'Accept-Language' request HTTP header. Read-only. |
joinMeetingIdSettings | joinMeetingIdSettings | Specifies the joinMeetingId, the meeting passcode, and the requirement for the passcode. Once an onlineMeeting is created, the joinMeetingIdSettings can't be modified. To make any changes to this property, you must cancel this meeting and create a new one. |
joinWebUrl | String | The join URL of the online meeting. Read-only. |
lobbyBypassSettings | lobbyBypassSettings | Specifies which participants can bypass the meeting lobby. |
recordAutomatically | Boolean | Indicates whether to record the meeting automatically. |
shareMeetingChatHistoryDefault | meetingChatHistoryDefaultMode | Specifies whether meeting chat history is shared with participants. Possible values are: all , none , unknownFutureValue . |
subject | String | The subject of the online meeting. |
videoTeleconferenceId | String | The video teleconferencing ID. Read-only. |
watermarkProtection | watermarkProtectionValues | Specifies whether the client application should apply a watermark to a content type. |
Graph reference: virtualappointment
Property | Type | Description |
appointmentClients | virtualAppointmentUser collection | The client information for the virtual appointment, including name, email, and SMS phone number. Optional. |
appointmentClientJoinWebUrl | String | The join web URL of the virtual appointment for clients with waiting room and browser join. Optional. |
externalAppointmentId | String | The identifier of the appointment from the scheduling system, associated with the current virtual appointment. Optional. |
externalAppointmentUrl | String | The URL of the appointment resource from the scheduling system, associated with the current virtual appointment. Optional. |
settings | virtualAppointmentSettings | The settings associated with the virtual appointment resource. Optional. |
Graph reference: virtualAppointmentSettings
Property | Type | Description |
allowClientToJoinUsingBrowser | Boolean | Indicates whether the client can use the browser to join a virtual appointment. If set to false , the client can only use Microsoft Teams to join. Optional. |
Graph reference: virtualAppointmentUser
Property | Type | Description |
displayName | String | The display name of the user who participates in a virtual appointment. Optional. |
emailAddress | String | The email address of the user who participates in a virtual appointment. Optional. |
smsCapablePhoneNumber | String | The phone number for sending SMS texts for the user who participates in a virtual appointment. Optional. |
Graph reference: virtualEventTownhall
Property | Type | Description |
audience | meetingAudience | The audience to whom the town hall is visible. Possible values are: everyone , organization , and unknownFutureValue . |
coOrganizers | communicationsUserIdentity collection | Identity information of the coorganizers of the town hall. |
createdBy | communicationsIdentitySet | Identity information of the creator of the town hall. Inherited from virtualEvent. Read-only. |
description | itemBody | Description of the town hall. Inherited from virtualEvent. |
displayName | String | Display name of the town hall. Inherited from virtualEvent. |
endDateTime | dateTimeTimeZone | Date and time when the town hall ends. The timeZone property can be set to any of the time zones currently supported by Windows. For details on how to get all available time zones using PowerShell, see Get-TimeZone. Inherited from virtualEvent. |
externalEventInformation | virtualEventExternalInformation collection | The external information of a town hall. Returned only for event organizers or coorganizers; otherwise, null . |
id | String | Unique identifier of the town hall. Inherited from entity. Read-only. |
invitedAttendees | identity collection | The attendees invited to the town hall. The supported identities are: communicationsUserIdentity and communicationsGuestIdentity. |
isInviteOnly | Boolean | Indicates whether the town hall is only open to invited people and groups within your organization. The isInviteOnly property can only be true if the value of the audience property is set to organization . |
settings | virtualEventSettings | The virtual event settings. |
startDateTime | dateTimeTimeZone | Date and time when the town hall starts. The timeZone property can be set to any of the time zones currently supported by Windows. For details on how to get all available time zones using PowerShell, see Get-TimeZone. Inherited from virtualEvent. |
status | virtualEventStatus | Status of the town hall. Possible values are: draft , published , canceled , and unknownFutureValue . Inherited from virtualEvent. |
Graph reference: virtualEventWebinar
Property | Type | Description |
audience | meetingAudience | To whom the webinar is visible. Possible values are: everyone , organization , and unknownFutureValue . |
coOrganizers | communicationsUserIdentity collection | Identity information of coorganizers of the webinar. |
createdBy | communicationsIdentitySet | Identity information for the creator of the webinar. Inherited from virtualEvent. |
description | itemBody | Description of the webinar. Inherited from virtualEvent. |
displayName | String | Display name of the webinar. Inherited from virtualEvent. |
endDateTime | dateTimeTimeZone | End time of the webinar. The timeZone property can be set to any of the time zones currently supported by Windows. For details on how to get all available time zones using PowerShell, see Get-TimeZone. |
externalEventInformation | virtualEventExternalInformation collection | The external information of a webinar. Returned only for event organizers or coorganizers; otherwise, null . |
startDateTime | dateTimeTimeZone | Start time of the webinar. The timeZone property can be set to any of the time zones currently supported by Windows. For details on how to get all available time zones using PowerShell, see Get-TimeZone. |
id | String | Unique identifier of the webinar. Inherited from entity. |
settings | virtualEventSettings | The webinar settings. Inherited from virtualEvent. |
status | virtualEventStatus | Status of the webinar. Possible values are: draft , published , canceled , and unknownFutureValue . Inherited from virtualEvent. |
Graph reference: watermarkProtectionValues
Property | Type | Description |
isEnabledForContentSharing | Boolean | Indicates whether to apply a watermark to any shared content. |
isEnabledForVideo | Boolean | Indicates whether to apply a watermark to everyone's video feed. |