Allows the app to read and write financials data on behalf of the signed-in user.
Merill's Note
For an app to access data in Microsoft Graph, the user or administrator must grant it the permissions it needs. This article lists all the Microsoft Graph APIs and your tenant data that can be accessed by the application (vendor/developer) if you consent to the
permission.If you need to create an audit report of the permissions granted to all the apps in your tenant, you can run the
command. See How To: Run a quick OAuth app audit of your tenant
Category | Application | Delegated |
Identifier | - | f534bf13-55d4-45a9-8f3c-c92fe64d6131 |
DisplayText | - | Read and write financials data |
Description | - | Allows the app to read and write financials data on behalf of the signed-in user. |
AdminConsentRequired | Yes | No |
Graph Methods
→ API supports delegated access (access on behalf of a user)
→ API supports app-only access (access without a user)
Methods |
→ API supports delegated access (access on behalf of a user)
→ API supports app-only access (access without a user)
Methods | |
→ Command supports delegated access (access on behalf of a user)
→ Command supports app-only access (access without a user)
Commands |
→ Command supports delegated access (access on behalf of a user)
→ Command supports app-only access (access without a user)
Commands | |
Granting this permission allows the calling application to access (and/or update) the following information in your tenant.
Graph reference: company
Property | Type | Description |
id | GUID | The unique ID of the company. Read-Only. |
name | string | Specifies the Company. |
displayName | string | Specifies the company display name. |
systemVersion | string | Specifies the internal version of the company. |
businessProfileId | string | Specifies the Business Profile ID linked to the company. |
Graph reference: customer
Property | Type | Description |
id | GUID | The unique ID of the item. Noneditable. |
number | string | The customer number. |
displayName | string | Specifies the customer's name. This name appears on all sales documents for the customer. |
type | string | Specifies the type of customer, can be "Company" or "Person". |
address | NAV.PostalAddress | Specifies the customer's address. This address appears on all sales documents for the customer. |
phoneNumber | string | Specifies the customer's telephone number. |
string | Specifies the customer's email address. | |
website | string | Specifies the customer's home page address. |
taxLiable | Boolean | Specifies if the customer or vendor is liable for sales tax. Set to true if the customer is tax liable. |
taxAreaId | GUID | Specifies which tax area the customer belongs to. |
taxAreaDisplayName | string | Specified the display name of the tax area the customer belongs to. |
taxRegistrationNumber | string, maximum size 20 | Specified the tax registration number of the customer. |
currencyId | GUID | Specifies which currency the customer uses. |
currencyCode | numeric | The default currency code for the customer. |
paymentTermsId | GUID | Specifies which payment term the customer uses. |
paymentMethodId | GUID | Specifies which payment method the customer uses. |
shipmentMethodId | GUID | Specifies which shipment method the customer uses. |
blocked | string | Specifies that transactions with the customer can't be posted. Set to All, if the customer is blocked, set to blank if not blocked. |
balance | numeric | Specifies the payment amount that the customer owes for completed sales. This value is also known as the customer's balance. Read-Only. |
overdueAmount | numeric | Specifies the customer's overdue amount. |
totalSalesExcludingTax | numeric | Specifies the total sales amount excluding tax of the customer. |
lastModifiedDateTime | datetime | The last datetime the customer was modified. Read-Only. |
Graph reference: item
Property | Type | Description |
id | GUID | The unique ID of the item. Noneditable. |
number | string | The item number. |
displayName | string | Specifies a description of the item. |
type | numeric | The inventory type for the item. 1 = inventory item, 2 = service item. This is a required property. |
blocked | Boolean | Specifies that transactions with the item can't be posted, for example, because the item is in quarantine. Set to true, if item is blocked. |
baseUnitOfMeasureId | GUID | Specifies the ID of the unit of measure. |
baseUnitOfMeasure | NAV.UnitOfMeasure | Specifies the unit in which the item is held in inventory. |
gtin | numeric | The Global Trade Item Number. |
itemCategoryId | GUID | Specifies the category that the item belongs to. Item categories also contain any assigned item attributes. |
inventory | decimal | Specifies how many units, such as pieces, boxes, or cans, of the item are in inventory. Read-Only. |
unitPrice | decimal | Specifies the price for one unit of the item in the specified currency. |
priceIncludesTax | Boolean | Specifies that the unitPrice includes tax. Set to true, if unitPrice includes tax. |
unitCost | decimal | Specifies the cost per unit of the item. |
taxGroupId | GUID | Specifies the ID of the Tax Group for the item. |
taxGroupCode | numeric | A Tax Group represents a group of inventory items or resources that are subject to identical tax terms. |
lastModifiedDateTime | datetime | The last datetime the item was modified. Read-Only. |
Graph reference: paymentTerm
Property | Type | Description |
calculateDiscountOnCreditMemos | Boolean | Specifies whether the discount should be applied to credit memos. True indicates a discount is given; false * indicates a discount won't be given. |
code | string | Specifies the payment term code. |
discountDateCalculation | string | Specifies the formula that is used to calculate the date that a payment must be made in order to obtain a discount. |
discountPercent | decimal | Specifies the discount percentage that is applied for early payment of an invoice amount. |
displayName | string | Specifies the payment term display name. |
dueDateCalculation | string | Specifies the formula that is used to calculate the date that a payment must be made. |
id | GUID | The unique identifier for the paymentTerm. Non-editable. |
lastModifiedDateTime | datetime | The date and time when the **p |