actorDisplayName |
String |
The adversary or activity group that is associated with this alert. |
additionalData | |
A collection of other alert properties, including user-defined properties. Any custom details defined in the alert, and any dynamic content in the alert details, are stored here. |
alertPolicyId |
String |
The ID of the policy that generated the alert, and populated when there is a specific policy that generated the alert, whether configured by a customer or a built-in policy. |
alertWebUrl |
String |
URL for the Microsoft 365 Defender portal alert page. |
assignedTo |
String |
Owner of the alert, or null if no owner is assigned. |
category |
String |
The attack kill-chain category that the alert belongs to. Aligned with the MITRE ATT&CK framework. |
classification | |
Specifies whether the alert represents a true threat. Possible values are: unknown , falsePositive , truePositive , informationalExpectedActivity , unknownFutureValue . |
comments | collection |
Array of comments created by the Security Operations (SecOps) team during the alert management process. |
createdDateTime |
DateTimeOffset |
Time when Microsoft 365 Defender created the alert. |
description |
String |
String value describing each alert. |
detectionSource | |
Detection technology or sensor that identified the notable component or activity. Possible values are: unknown , microsoftDefenderForEndpoint , antivirus , smartScreen , customTi , microsoftDefenderForOffice365 , automatedInvestigation , microsoftThreatExperts , customDetection , microsoftDefenderForIdentity , cloudAppSecurity , microsoft365Defender , azureAdIdentityProtection , manual , microsoftDataLossPrevention , appGovernancePolicy , appGovernanceDetection , unknownFutureValue , microsoftDefenderForCloud , microsoftDefenderForIoT , microsoftDefenderForServers , microsoftDefenderForStorage , microsoftDefenderForDNS , microsoftDefenderForDatabases , microsoftDefenderForContainers , microsoftDefenderForNetwork , microsoftDefenderForAppService , microsoftDefenderForKeyVault , microsoftDefenderForResourceManager , microsoftDefenderForApiManagement , microsoftSentinel , nrtAlerts , scheduledAlerts , microsoftDefenderThreatIntelligenceAnalytics , builtInMl . Use the Prefer: include-unknown-enum-members request header to get the following value(s) in this evolvable enum: microsoftDefenderForCloud , microsoftDefenderForIoT , microsoftDefenderForServers , microsoftDefenderForStorage , microsoftDefenderForDNS , microsoftDefenderForDatabases , microsoftDefenderForContainers , microsoftDefenderForNetwork , microsoftDefenderForAppService , microsoftDefenderForKeyVault , microsoftDefenderForResourceManager , microsoftDefenderForApiManagement , microsoftSentinel , nrtAlerts , scheduledAlerts , microsoftDefenderThreatIntelligenceAnalytics , builtInMl . |
detectorId |
String |
The ID of the detector that triggered the alert. |
determination | |
Specifies the result of the investigation, whether the alert represents a true attack and if so, the nature of the attack. Possible values are: unknown , apt , malware , securityPersonnel , securityTesting , unwantedSoftware , other , multiStagedAttack , compromisedAccount , phishing , maliciousUserActivity , notMalicious , notEnoughDataToValidate , confirmedUserActivity , lineOfBusinessApplication , unknownFutureValue . |
evidence | collection |
Collection of evidence related to the alert. |
firstActivityDateTime |
DateTimeOffset |
The earliest activity associated with the alert. |
id |
String |
Unique identifier to represent the alert resource. |
incidentId |
String |
Unique identifier to represent the incident this alert resource is associated with. |
incidentWebUrl |
String |
URL for the incident page in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal. |
lastActivityDateTime |
DateTimeOffset |
The oldest activity associated with the alert. |
lastUpdateDateTime |
DateTimeOffset |
Time when the alert was last updated at Microsoft 365 Defender. |
mitreTechniques |
Collection(Edm.String) |
The attack techniques, as aligned with the MITRE ATT&CK framework. |
productName |
String |
The name of the product which published this alert. |
providerAlertId |
String |
The ID of the alert as it appears in the security provider product that generated the alert. |
recommendedActions |
String |
Recommended response and remediation actions to take in the event this alert was generated. |
resolvedDateTime |
DateTimeOffset |
Time when the alert was resolved. |
serviceSource | |
The service or product that created this alert. Possible values are: unknown , microsoftDefenderForEndpoint , microsoftDefenderForIdentity , microsoftDefenderForCloudApps , microsoftDefenderForOffice365 , microsoft365Defender , azureAdIdentityProtection , microsoftAppGovernance , dataLossPrevention , unknownFutureValue , microsoftDefenderForCloud , microsoftSentinel . Use the Prefer: include-unknown-enum-members request header to get the following value(s) in this evolvable enum: microsoftDefenderForCloud , microsoftSentinel . |
severity | |
Indicates the possible impact on assets. The higher the severity the bigger the impact. Typically higher severity items require the most immediate attention. Possible values are: unknown , informational , low , medium , high , unknownFutureValue . |
status | |
The status of the alert. Possible values are: new , inProgress , resolved , unknownFutureValue . |
tenantId |
String |
The Microsoft Entra tenant the alert was created in. |
threatDisplayName |
String |
The threat associated with this alert. |
threatFamilyName |
String |
Threat family associated with this alert. |
title |
String |
Brief identifying string value describing the alert. |
systemTags |
String collection |
The system tags associated with the alert. |