csaStarLevel |
microsoft.graph.security.appInfoCsaStarLevel |
Indicates the CSA star program certification level of the app. Possible values are: selfAssessment , certification , attestation , cStarAssessment , continuousMonitoring , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
dataAtRestEncryptionMethod |
microsoft.graph.security.appInfoDataAtRestEncryptionMethod |
Indicates the encryption mode for data at rest of the app. The possible values are: aes , bitLocker , blowfish , des3 , des , rc4 , rsA , notSupported , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
dataCenter |
String |
Indicates the countries or regions in which your data center resides. |
dataRetentionPolicy |
microsoft.graph.security.appInfoDataRetentionPolicy |
Indicates the app's policy for user data retention after account termination. The possible values are: dataRetained , deletedImmediately , deletedWithinTwoWeeks , deletedWithinOneMonth , deletedWithinThreeMonths , deletedWithinMoreThanThreeMonths , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
dataTypes |
microsoft.graph.security.appInfoUploadedDataTypes |
Indicates the data types that an end user can upload to the app. The possible values are: documents , mediaFiles , codingFiles , creditCards , databaseFiles , none , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
domainRegistrationDateTime |
DateTimeOffset |
Indicates the date when the app domain was registered. |
encryptionProtocol |
microsoft.graph.security.appInfoEncryptionProtocol |
Indicates the TLS encryption protocol version. The possible values are: tls1_0 , tls1_1 , tls1_2 , tls1_3 , notApplicable , notSupported , unknown , unknownFutureValue , ssl3 . Use the Prefer: include-unknown-enum-members request header to get the following value in this evolvable enum: ssl3 . |
fedRampLevel |
microsoft.graph.security.appInfoFedRampLevel |
Indicates the FedRAMP compliant status of the app. The possible values are: high , moderate , low , liSaaS , unknown , unknownFutureValue , notSupported . Use the Prefer: include-unknown-enum-members request header to get the following value in this evolvable enum: notSupported . |
founded |
Int32 |
Indicates the year that the specific app vendor was established. |
gdprReadinessStatement |
String |
Indicates the GDPR readiness of the app in relation to policies app provides to safeguard personal user data. |
headquarters |
String |
Indicates the location of the headquarters of the app. |
holding |
microsoft.graph.security.appInfoHolding |
Indicates the ownership model of the app. The possible values are: private , public , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
hostingCompany |
String |
Indicates the company name that provides hosting services for the app. |
id |
String |
Indicates the identified unique SaaS ID of the app. Inherited from entity. |
isAdminAuditTrail |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates the availability of an admin audit trail for the app. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isCobitCompliant |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates the compliance status of the app with the Control Objectives for Information Technology (COBIT). The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isCoppaCompliant |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates the compliance status of the app with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA). The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isDataAuditTrail |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates the compliance status of the app with availability of a data audit trail. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isDataClassification |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates the compliance status of the app with regards to data classification. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isDataOwnership |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates the compliance status of the app that pertains to data ownership. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isDisasterRecoveryPlan |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app has a disaster recovery plan. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isDmca |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates the compliance status of the app with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isFerpaCompliant |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates the compliance status of the app with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isFfiecCompliant |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates the compliance status of the app with the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council guidance on the risk management. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isFileSharing |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app has features that allow file sharing between users. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isFinraCompliant |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates the compliance status of the app with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isFismaCompliant |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates the compliance status of the app with the Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA). The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isGaapCompliant |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates the compliance status of the app with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isGdprDataProtectionImpactAssessment |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app conducts regular GDPR data assessments to identify risk to individuals. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isGdprDataProtectionOfficer |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app appoints a data protection officer to oversee data security strategy and GDPR compliance. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isGdprDataProtectionSecureCrossBorderDataTransfer |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app securely transfers data across borders as GDPR guidelines recommend. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isGdprImpactAssessment |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app conducts data protection GDPR impact assessments to identify risk to individuals. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isGdprLawfulBasisForProcessing |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app has a valid lawful basis for processing personal data. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isGdprReportDataBreaches |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app reports personal data breaches to the relevant supervisory authority as per GDPR. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isGdprRightsRelatedToAutomatedDecisionMaking |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app provides specific rights related to automated decision-making and profiling as per GDPR. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isGdprRightToAccess |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app gives the rights to obtain a copy of a user's personal data as per GDPR. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isGdprRightToBeInformed |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app gives the right to inform users about the data collection and use of their personal data as per GDPR. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isGdprRightToDataPortablility |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app provides individuals with the ability to obtain and reuse their personal data for their own purposes across different services upon request. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isGdprRightToErasure |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app stops processing and deletetion of an individual's personal data upon request. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isGdprRightToObject |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app provides individuals with the ability to object to the processing of their personal data in certain circumstances. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isGdprRightToRectification |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app provides individuals with the ability to rectify their personal data. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isGdprRightToRestrictionOfProcessing |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app provides individuals with the ability to block or suppress the processing of personal data. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isGdprSecureCrossBorderDataControl |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app securely transfers data across borders. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isGlbaCompliant |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app is compliant with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA). The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isHipaaCompliant |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app is compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isHitrustCsfCompliant |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app is compliant with the HITRUST Framework (HITRUST CSF). The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isHttpSecurityHeadersContentSecurityPolicy |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app is compliant with the HITRUST Framework (HITRUST CSF). The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isHttpSecurityHeadersStrictTransportSecurity |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the HTTP security headers of the app provide another layer of security by helping to mitigate attacks and security vulnerabilities. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isHttpSecurityHeadersXContentTypeOptions |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the HTTP security headers of the app provide another layer of security by helping to mitigate attacks and security vulnerabilities. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isHttpSecurityHeadersXFrameOptions |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the HTTP security headers of the app provide another layer of security by helping to mitigate attacks and security vulnerabilities. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isHttpSecurityHeadersXXssProtection |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the HTTP security headers of the app provide another layer of security by helping to mitigate attacks and security vulnerabilities. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isIpAddressRestriction |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app supports the restriction of specific IP addresses by the app. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isIsae3402Compliant |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app is ISAE3402 compliant. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isIso27001Compliant |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app is ISO27001 compliant. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isIso27017Compliant |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app is ISO27017 compliant. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isIso27018Compliant |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app is ISO27018 compliant. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isItarCompliant |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app is compliant with International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isMultiFactorAuthentication |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app supports multifactor authentication. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isPasswordPolicy |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app enforces a password policy. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isPasswordPolicyChangePasswordPeriod |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app forces users to reset their password periodically. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isPasswordPolicyCharacterCombination |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app forces a character combination on password creation. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isPasswordPolicyPasswordHistoryAndReuse |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app disallows the reuse of old passwords. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isPasswordPolicyPasswordLengthLimit |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app enforces a length limit on password creation. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isPasswordPolicyPersonalInformationUse |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app disallows the use of personal information in passwords. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isPenetrationTesting |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app carries out penetration testing to detect and assess network vulnerabilities. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isPrivacyShieldCompliant |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app complies with the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isRememberPassword |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app enables the option for remembering and saving user passwords in the app. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isRequiresUserAuthentication |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app requires user authentication. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isSoc1Compliant |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app is Soc1 compliant. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isSoc2Compliant |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app is Soc2 compliant. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isSoc3Compliant |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app is Soc3 compliant. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isSoxCompliant |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app is Sox compliant. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isSp80053Compliant |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app is Sp80053 compliant. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isSsae16Compliant |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app is Ssae16 compliant. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isSupportsSaml |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app supports SAML authentication. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isTrustedCertificate |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app server provides a trusted SSL cetificate. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isUserAuditTrail |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app supports availability of audit trail per user account. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isUserCanUploadData |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app supports the ability of users to upload data. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isUserRolesSupport |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app supports distribution of users by roles and levels of permission. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
isValidCertificateName |
microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppInfoState |
Indicates if the app server provides an SSL certificate that matches the domain name. The possible values are: true , false , unknown , unknownFutureValue . |
latestBreachDateTime |
DateTimeOffset |
Indicates the last date of the data breach for the company. |
logonUrls |
String |
Indicates the URL that users can use to sign into the app. |
pciDssVersion |
microsoft.graph.security.appInfoPciDssVersion |
Indicates the pciDss version. The possible values are: v1 , v2 , v3 , v3_1 , v3_2 , v3_2_1 , notSupported , unknown , unknownFutureValue , v4 . Use the Prefer: include-unknown-enum-members request header to get the following value in this evolvable enum: v4 . |
vendor |
String |
Indicates the app vendor. |